Analytics Kotlin Nielsen DTVR Plugin

Digital in TV Ratings (DTVR) responds to the shifting and complex multi-platform, multi-device and multi-distribution landscape by providing comprehensive measurement of digital content consumption—including streaming TV commercial video, static web pages and mobile apps—across all major devices and platforms. The Analytics-Kotlin Nielsen-DTVR Plugin tracks sessions for Analytics-Kotlin.

Getting started

To get started with Nielsen-DTVR and retrieve an appid to configure this integration, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Fill out your company info and work with a Nielsen representative.
  • Sign a license agreement on the Nielsen engineering portal.
  • Sign an NDA to sign prior to accessing the download.
  • Complete a pre-certification process with your Nielsen representative before shipping this implementation to production.
  • Reach out to your Segment customer service representative to enable the Nielsen-DTVR plugin, as this destination is in private beta.

Adding the dependency

To install the Segment-Nielsen-DTVR integration, add this line to your gradle file:

implementation '<latest_version>'

Or the following for Kotlin DSL:


Also add the Maven Nielsen Digital SDK repo (since Nielsen doesn’t publish it on Maven Central) inside the repositories section in your project level build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

Or the following for Kotlin DSL:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("")

Using the Plugin in your App

Open the file where you set up and configured the Analytics-Kotlin library. Add this plugin to the list of imports.


Just under your Analytics-Kotlin library setup, call analytics.add(plugin = ...) to add an instance of the plugin to the Analytics timeline.

    analytics = Analytics("<YOUR WRITE KEY>", applicationContext) {
        this.flushAt = 3
        this.trackApplicationLifecycleEvents = true
    analytics.add(plugin = NielsenDTVRDestination())

Your events now flow to Nielsen-DTVR in device-mode.


Segment only supports sending Track events as outlined in the Video Spec. To start tracking video content through Segment, use a media player with an API which allows you to detect the player state, like video or ad plays. For example, you cannot collect ad plays using YouTube because their YouTube SDK doesn’t expose any hooks into player states during ad plays.

Once you’ve selected a media player with an API that exposes the player state, configure video tracking using Segment’s Video Spec and implement video tracking as outlined in the Spec. After you’ve configured video tracking according to the Video Spec, Segment maps the semantic events and properties to Nielsen’s relevant methods and metadata.

This integration requires strict adherence to Segment's Video Spec

If you do not implement the Segment Video Spec properly with key lifecycle events, you might end up with unexpected behavior.


App ID

Once the Segment source is integrated with your app, toggle Nielsen-DTVR on in your Segment destinations catalog and enter your appId, which you can retrieve from your Nielsen representative.

Nielsen assigns a unique GUID (appId) to each application you create. Segment recommends using a test appId during the development, test, and certification processes, and a production appId when submitting your App to the Play store.

Enable Debug Mode

Check this setting if you would like to activate the Debug flag. Once the flag is active, it logs each API call made and the data passed. DO NOT activate the Debug flag in a production environment.


Indicate the key in your payload associated with the id3 tag. If one is not provided Segment defaults to id3.

Events to Send Id3 Tags

Add the event names you would like to trigger Segment to sendId3 tags.


Required for mobile only: Add the unique identifier for the environment that the Nielsen SDK should point to. If not specified, the default value is us.

This page was last modified: 29 Jan 2024

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